Thursday, January 6, 2011

In reflection

So here I am, with the first real chance I have had to reflect on 2010 and all I can say is


If you had of told me this time last year what I had installed, I truly wouldn't have believed you and would have made a bet on it - and I don't even gamble.(and I would have lost, big time!)

Life in my world is joyous, busy, peaceful, chaotic, noisy, calm (especially now that all are asleep) and extremely loving with in our household of our four children and furry friend.

In 2010 we -
Moved House - downgraded to a little cottage I adore and feeds my imagination complete with a white picket fence. (my little Green Gables)

My love began dialysis (and training to do it at home himself)

I discovered by chance, Sunny Mummy.

Through this group, I have met on-line and in real life the most inspiring, motivated, loving, caring like-minded women I have ever had the privilege to know. They have been a blessing in disguise for me and I look forward to continuing these friendships both personally and professionally in the future. XXX

The dialysis machine came home and my love began his journey of administering his own medical treatment at home 3-5 times a week for 4-8 hours at a time.(Brave, very ,very brave. My absolute hero XXX )

I was able to convince my love that we needed a dog(not a mean feat!), and we adopted Bentley from the RSPCA. Actually I am still convincing him, however the kids and I love him and I love, my love. 

My baby girl, Lucia was admitted several times into hospital due to convulsions. All up she has had nine. Our boys soon learnt the procedure of the ambulance arriving and mummy watching the clock and feeling for Lulu's pulse. Huge awakening and a reminder to keep things in perspective - at the end of the day - nothing else mattered except keeping my baby girl alive and well and truly learning to pray.

What we call the 'Braxton Hicks'. The kidney transplant that ended up being a false alarm. What a roller coaster ride.

Mending and forming the most amazing relationship with my sis-in-law. My true sister-an amazing, talented and ever supportive woman that is inspiring on so many levels and I am truly grateful for. Its all about timing.

The miracle of my mum  - defying all medical odds - and despite her diagnosis - her strength, love, spirit and faith is granting her wish and she is an absolute miracle. She has taught me what unconditional love is and to soldier on despite the obstacles that lie in our paths. She is such a quiet achiever, never one to ring her bell but I am privileged to know her, call her my mum (our Evie and our Meima) and call her my best friend. I love you XXX

and as if we needed things to get any bigger .....

My love......

Received .......

the blessing...........

of           a

Kidney transplant on the 6th December 2010, my sis-in-law's birthday. ( not a coincidence, I believe)

WOW                         WOW                             WOW!!

Nothing can top that. What a way to end the year. The ultimate gift for Christmas.

After believing it may take 3-5 years even though we knew we were at the top of the list, we were officially on the waiting list for a mere 9 weeks with a false start in between. Truly, jaw dropping amazing.

At the moment we are on the roller coaster of recovery but the future looks bright. When I asked my love what did he want when he was recovered, expecting him to say, "I'll take you to Nepal and and lets go climb us a mountain."(guess he's been there, done that!)

His actual response was " I am looking forward to having enough energy to play with the kids and to work on really establishing our vegetable patch." It truly always comes back to the simple pleasures. Oh joy, I can't wait!! I want to rock this world together.

Through all the hurdles we have faced this year, I have never felt more happy and content with who I am, with where I am at and who I surround myself with. I am open to new experiences, people, challenges and discoveries within myself, my family and this world full of opportunities.

I am trusting my instincts more than ever, am believing in dreaming big and am continually learning to live one day at a time, be in the moment, present in my life, my husband's life and my children's life.
Realising I am learning way more from my children than I believe I am teaching them. They are all individuals who shine in their own right and I am there to guide and hold their hands. I love them to bits and pieces xx

I now know how many things are truly out of my hands and although some are huge hurdles, skyscrapers in fact, I have learnt that I am stronger than I thought, can rise to the challenge and face them head on.

Tears have been shed, plenty of laughter, hugs and sympathetic gestures have pulled me through. I have felt the true feeling of compassion and support.

I have faith in the extraodinary and am learning to believe in the unbelievable. These situations have connected me to the most amazing people and that is the greatest gift.

For 2011, I am going to take the ride and write my heart out and maybe learn a little about blogging along the way. I may delve back to 2010 to share some of these obstacles to inspire, and support others in similar situations because each one of us has our own journey, not free of hurdles, hurt and loss and we all need to feel loved, supported and understood.

Lets not sweat the small stuff

Lets get R E A L

and be honest with ourselves and each other

 and live the life YOU are meant to lead,

Rocking it on!!

Mumma Bear XXX { hugs} virtually!!


  1. you are the most amazing family I know
    keep smiling, see you in the new school year

  2. Kate! I cant stop crying over your post. I am here to rock part of your world too.

    I love Sunny Mummies like you! You are amazing xoxo

  3. Wow! what a year and what amazing blessings. Even though you have spent some time in the clouds battered storms, the sun has been shining on YOU! Naomi x

  4. YOU Kate are my soul sista, YOU amaze me and inspire me in more ways than you could know and you DID NOT discover Sunny Mummy by chance, you were MEANT to be a part of it from the very beginning!As your love gets better and the vegies starts growing...YOU will be a bigger part of our movement because throughout all of this, your light has never stopped SHINING and in doing so, you are lighting the path for more mums & giving them permission to do the sane!
    I am proud to know YOU x

  5. You're simply amazing Kate...this post has brought tears to my eyes and you're zest for life is an inspiration to all :) Good on you Kate...keep shining gorgeous girl :)

  6. And through it all, you keep smiling - you really are an inspiration Kate! One of the sunniest of all the Sunny Mummies xxx

  7. Hi dear Kate- It's so good to find you! I'm sorry I took so long to answer your friend request, but I've been in avoidance mode what with a new new baby and being a new new mum! But it's amazing to read your words, and hear about your life. If you and your lovely husband ever need a hand with that vegetable patch, let me know! Much love, Angela (

  8. Kate, I'm so grateful to have met you, can't wait to hug you IRL XX

  9. Kate I have just found you through Sunny Mummy, what an inspirational post. I wish you and your family well in 2011 :)

    Katena x

  10. Kate you are beyond inspiring. Your attitude is infectious. And I look forward to getting to know you more this year. Thank you for being you! :) xx

  11. Kate thank you for sharing your amazing story of life's challenges and at the end the SUNSHINE :) xo

  12. Hey Kate,

    If you ever need anything EVER, make sure you give me a call! Help with life, Blogging..... perhaps a blog header and a button so I can share you on MY blog!!?? Just email me, You know where to find me!! Big Sunny Cuddles sweet thing!

    Gab xx

  13. Kate, you are awesome and have giving me something to think about.
    see you in the hood xox

  14. Oh Kate....the word 'WOW' definitely sums up your 2010! You rock Kate! And I am so grateful to have met you online & in real life!
    You take on life with open arms, an open heart & big smile & that inspires me so much!
    Cheers to a rockin' 2011 My Dear! I'm looking forward to riding the journey with you!

  15. Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou.
    Thankyou for taking the time to give me genuine, heart felt feedback. I am thrilled that my piece touched your hearts and may help to inspire to live our best life. We all truly don't know what is around the corner for any of us but with love and support we can face anything.
    I want to thank you all individually but know you have all blessed me with your comments xx K
    (Anj, I may just have to take you up on that offer ~ am extremely keen to learn more about permaculture !! xx)
