Friday, May 6, 2011

What will be, will be.

This week has been a little C.R.A.Z.Y in our household. We have had three out of four children sick with a tummy bug with myself getting run down on the forth day. It started to take a toll on me with the endless nursing duties for three days and nights straight with little to no sleep for mwa. The household still hasn't got the all clear with Cooper being picked up early from pre prep yesterday and coughs that are lingering.

Through the midst of this, my hubby who has been out of the work circuit due to illness and medical treatments, got put forward for a job.
So the journey began....the resume to update, a phone interview and an actual interview to be had, then the news....
"You got the job!!"  WOO HOO!! Yeah BABY!!
We weren't looking to return to work so soon but we figure its one day at a time and obviously its a step in the right direction ~ forward!!

What will be, will be.

I new I've been ready for some changes and plenty of changes this will bring.

Fantastic - with this news brings a bit of normality and security back into our lives but in saying that, I want to carry with me and continue on the journey of less actually is more and the importance of family time and simple pleasures in this beautiful world in which we live. All that really matters is each other. We have learnt so many lessons throughout the last two years of my love learning of his diagnosis as individuals, as a couple and as a family. I don't want to get caught up in the ways of the world, of stuff and being too busy. I want us to continue to just BE and blossom.
Right now ~ it's time for my love to blossom.

After the week I've had, I went and spoilt myself with a pedicure and manicure, well over due and just wonderful.  What a fab afternoon. It was whilst I was at the salon that I received my love's great news ~
things are feeling bright again.
All in good timing ~

oh, and vision boards really do work ~ crossing a few things off my list!!
~THINK~BELIEVE~SEE ~  Be careful what you ask for!!


  1. Oh Kate such wonderful news! Congrats to your Hubby. I must get my vision board up and going xo

  2. LOVELY post. Almost made me cry!

    You are a beautiful girl inside and out.

    I admire you.

    Looking forward to seeing you and see you brighten the room again.

  3. WOW TO YOU and Hubby,.....good luck with your new journey xo

  4. This is just such lovely news about the job. Sorry to hear that your cherubs were not well but what a blessing that has come your way. I hope things can fall into place a little better for you. Naomi x
