I feel like I use the saying "When it rains it pours" so much lately. I know our life is busy and very constant but when I look at what life has blessed us with and thrown at us since my love and I have shared our lives together - it's absurd!!
I am not a person that thrives on drama at all. I definitely put my focus on staying calm, centred, peaceful and maintain this ambiance throughout all elements of my life ~ probably not particularly helpful on my soccer field ( I'm yet to discover my inner Xena!!) and I think our children reflect this.
We are all very real with each other, relatively calm and gentle souls. I really should indulge in yoga again, it really is up my alley.
With all that it holds, the black, the white and the charcoal grey in between ~ I really do love my one crazy life. Time to throw some yellow in, perhaps pink polka dots and a splash of red!
So many life changing events, opportunities, hurdles and challenges have come our way - WE ARE SURVIVORS,Yes!
I don't like to harp on things, don't like to bring out the violin and say,"Why me?", I generally roll up my sleeves, become even more practical and logical and make plans on how to deal with each situation and have learnt to live one day at a time which is definately easier to say than do. I have loved learning of the people who truly love and support us and have shown us what true friendship is. This is what I am most grateful of learning in these experiences.
We have definitely faced some difficult,emotional and draining times but I am glad to say, as a family, and with great support, we are coming out the other end of it all.
Times are a changin'....... I can see clearly now the rain has gone.
With these obstacles, I have many opportunities to reflect, fantasise and dream of what I want, what I want to experience, taste, feel and see.
Everything has a season and I have learnt not to put pressure on ourselves to have to have it now. I have definitely learnt more patience and learnt to maintain my visions in my eyes. The things I find myself wanting are very rarely of the materialistic kind, more of the things to feel and see with those who I love. Why waste time with those who don't, yeah?
Our world is starting to open up again, some of my visions are becoming a reality and I am quietly excited about the future. I look forward in sharing our journey and experiences as we get our mojo back and begin to play again.
Let's open the doors to opportunities and wonderful experiences to be had. Let's put a smile on our dial and open our eyes to see the beauty in the day and who and what it holds. Breathe in some fresh air and exhale any negativity in our lives. C'mon let's get happy!!!!!
What are you excited about?
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